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Thursday, September 6, 2012

CAUTION: Student Driver

One of the "goals" I asked for at Rehab was to please, please teach Bob to propel his wheelchair. I did this for two reasons. The first, I figured it would be a fairly easy goal for Bob to show "progress" in and second, I do get tired of pushing him around....

So they started teaching him to propel his wheelchair this week.

At first, he could only go backwards...

Then, around in circles, sort of...

But finally, he's getting the hang of it!

Yesterday, when we went to Rehab, I had Bob drive himself through the hospital.

He did pretty good.

Only nearly ran over one pedestrian.

Only ran into one potted plant...

...and one garbage can.

Only bumped into a few walls.

Only went about .0000000001 miles per hour. I mean, elderly ladies with walkers were passing him.

Only took a couple of wrong turns.

Only passed by the exit door and kept on traveling...

Only nearly knocked everything off the countertop at the Rehab check in.

Oh, I do wish he would look up when he's driving instead of looking down at his feet.

I told him that I was going to put a sign on the back of his wheelchair: CAUTION: STUDENT DRIVER


Cheri said...

Vroom! vroom!! vroooooom!!!!

Grace Carpenter said...

I hope the therapy team was suitably impressed by your and Bob's attitude. Even trying it is a BIG deal.

metalgirl162002 said...

Like they say, practice makes perfect! :)

Anonymous said...

PROGRESS.....he continues to make progress, even if slowly. I continue to be so impressed with both of you and all the difficult work you both do.
Hugs, Dan

Jenn said...

This is grrreat. It gives back to him a sense of power and independence. Most excellent. I'll send you the sign. (Kidding) lololz

Helen M said...

Diane, there are wheelchair wheels out there made for one-handed rolling, that way he wouldn't go in circles. It can be either right or left-handed "drive."

Anonymous said...

That is great...You go Bob...Keep trucking....Sometimes I drive like that...