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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

First PT Appointment

Yesterday, Bob and I went to Outpatient Rehab for his evaluation appointment with a Physical Therapist.

The Rehab Center is located six blocks from our home, so I figured we'd save the wheelchair transport money and hoof it on foot. Which means, I pushed him six blocks in 90+ degree heat. I tell you, I got a workout and was drenched with sweat when we arrived.

Unfortunately, I had to spend 45 minutes of the appointment filling out eight pages of "patient history" forms, i.e. every single hospitalization, surgery dates, doctor's names and phone numbers, medications, etc. etc. I don't ever remember filling out such a detailed form, even at a doctor's office. Once that was done, we had only 20 minutes with the Physical Therapist.

The PT spent most of that time asking questions about how much and what kind of therapy Bob had received in the past. Then she said that because Bob had had "so much" therapy, she doubted the insurance would pay for much more.

She did measure the angle and drop of Bob's head. She also had Bob move his legs and feet the best he could and made notes. Finally, she got him up to the parallel bars where she had him stand up. But then she stood smack dab in front of him, with one foot between Bob's feet and both her hands on his gait belt and asked Bob to take a step. He didn't. He couldn't. She was, um, sort of in his way. And I don't think he knew what to do.  I also noticed he was very unsteady, leaning way too far to the left.

Anyway, she's going to set up two appointments a week for a month. But she doesn't think the insurance will pay for more than that...

I ask you, when did our health care system become all about the insurance---instead of the patient's needs?


Grace Carpenter said...

I could spout off about so many things about your experience, but I'll say this: you're so right.

About the leaning: because of my lack of proprioception, I don't know where the right side of my body ends. It's hard to judge the space between myself and another person, for instance. Maybe that was contributing to Bob's problems with the PT.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, it's not about the patient anymore, it's all about the money. Insurance has the control because they have the money, and the doctors/PT's/"experts", assume (righly so in most cases) that we don't have the money when insurance doesn't pay. But I suspect you already know all

I sincerely hope Bob can get more than twice a week PT. Hopefully what you learn through PT, you can take home and continue the process with Bob.

Hugs and prayers, Dan

oc1dean said...

Diane ask your PT whether Bob has 'pusher syndrome'. She should know about it and therapy to counteract it. Learned about this from Peter Levine.

Anonymous said...

praying for something good to come from all of it...

Linda said...

I am glad Bob is in for some therapy. The 6 blocks sound like real athletic training for you!

Could you suggest showing how he walks at the bars with you and ask for "guidance" while you narrate what you are doing at home and why?.. that might show Bob in a better light because you are used to working with each other

I drove my eldest daughter for her first physiotherapy appt today. (knee, hip and ankle damage after a severe tibia break) It was mainly an assessment and I got her there a few minutes late which was NOT good; she was pretty mad at me.

She got a listing for 2 appointments a week for the next 4 weeks and they will reevaluate after that. I got her to book future appointments according to my schedule. HA!

barbpolan said...

My personal rant: EVERYTHING in life these days is about money.

Congrats on getting at least 1 PT session and being able to get Bob there by walking.