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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

One Fish -- RIP

When Chris went into the hospital in Dec. 2015, she asked me to take care of her two Betta fish. I am not a "fish person" but agreed thinking it was a temporary situation, and didn't know the names of the fish so I called them "One Fish" and "Two Fish" after, you know, Dr. Seuss One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. As one was red (on the fins) and the other bluish green....

Anyway, you know Chris died a year ago in June.

I have had One Fish and Two Fish since --- and they became a part of my little family. Daily rituals. Feed Kona, feed Ripley, feed fish... you know routine.

This a.m. found One Fish dead..... waited awhile to make sure... by afternoon still not moving, sort curled on the bottom on the aquarium -- gently scooped him/her up -- no movement, no response, so after making sure --- buried him/her by Zenith and Boomer's ashes in the back yard.

This shouldn't bother me so much, but I have been in and out of tears all afternoon -- I mean, jeepers, it's just a fish -- and I am not even a "fish person"....

But part of Chris went with that fish.

Now I am worried about "Two Fish", who is acting strangely out of character -- do fish grieve? They were not in the same aquarium as you can't put two Bettas together as they will fight. But they did live next door to each other....

And I am just rambling about silly fish... No not "silly" fish --  Chris's fish... which I weirdly gotten attached too...

Tomorrow another EMDR therapy appointment -- don't know if I am ready.....

1 comment:

Jenn said... his lifespan I 'spect.
It's okay to be sad.
Wanna know sumptin'? Whenever I feel crummy, I take hold of Homer. He makes me feel better. He's a happy guy.