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Sunday, May 29, 2011

It's Been a Rough Week...

And I'm glad it's over. After that awful Wednesday (see previous post), the next day at Rehab went a bit better in that Bob was feeling better, but when he got on the parallel bars--it was a catastrophe. Suddenly, both knees began to buckle (even his "good" leg, the "unaffected" side) so it was as if he was stuck in a position that looked like he was perpetually about to sit down. And he couldn't stand up any straighter. That was combined with wobbling back and forth and complaints of pain in both legs. PT had to be cut short. I don't know why he had this sudden set back.

The other two therapies weren't much better, mostly because both his OT and ST were off for the day, so he had substitutes. Bob just doesn't work well with people he doesn't know. He gave the OT a particularly hard time, I think on purpose. For example, she showed him a picture of her pet cat and asked Bob what it was, and Bob replied that it was "a snake". When she told him that it was not a "snake" but a "cat" whose name was (I think) "Tracker", Bob still insisted that Tracker was "a snake". So, she asked him what kind of snake Tracker was, to which he shrugged, and she asked if Tracker was a "python" and Bob said, "yes, python." Then she asked him if we had pets and he told her that we had "snakes" and began to laugh. Oh dear.

Speech therapy didn't go much better. This therapist was a bit too "perky" for my taste. I mean, after everything that Bob did or said, she would reply "Good Job!". Well, actually, it was more like "Goooood! Jaaaahb!" And this said in a very high pitched, overly enthusiastic voice. And she did this even when he screwed up. Part of the therapy was for Bob to complete a sentence, and it went like this:

Therapist: I want to go....

Bob: to the bathroom. (probably the truth, here, with all the bladder problems)

Therapist: Goooood! Jaaahb!  Turn on the...

Bob: the radio.

Therapist: Gooooood! Jaaaahb! It's time to eat...

Bob: the radio.

Therapist: Goooood! Jaaahb! My wife's name is...

Bob, in a high pitched, overly enthusiastic voice: Diiiiie! Aaaaaannnne!

Therapist: Gooood! Jaaahb!

All righty. I was certainly glad to go home. Next week, Bob has another evaluation at Rehab and I do hope this past week is not going screw everything up. It's frustrating because he was doing so well (except for all the bathroom breaks) prior to this week.


Nikki said...

Oh geez. This post reminds me of the time I went in for a huge battery of psych testing which helped me get the diagnosis of Aspeger's and this super perky intern was with the psychologist and her eyes were open super wide like she was staring and everything the doctor said she nodded manically in agreement to the point where I wanted to slap her for being a suckup. Hehe!

Jenn said...

Sounds like Bob might have wanted to slap the sub, what with his sarcasm! lol. (um, that was sarcasm, wasn't it?) Did you sprain your eyeballs from too much rolling during therapy? Ha!
Between the hellatiousness of the past week, there must have been an excellent moment had. Still, I'm glad it's done with for you, too.