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Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Little Miracle During Mirror Box Therapy

Yesterday I went to the pharmacy to pick up some prescriptions and found these little squeezy balls called "fuzzy balls" and bought two of them for Bob. My idea was to put one ball in his affected hand and the other in his good hand and have him squeeze the ball during mirror box therapy.

I must admit, we have not been as regular as we should using the mirror box, mostly because of time constraints, so I was pretty amazed at what happened during our therapy session. As Bob was squeezing the ball with his left hand and watching the reflection in the mirror, I noticed a bit of movement inside the mirror box. So, I ran and got my camera and made this little video to share with you. (I had to upload it on YouTube because for some reason it wouldn't upload straight to my blog...) I apologize for the shakiness, at one point Bob bumped the table, but watch this video and keep your eye on his thumb because the darn thing starts moving! This is the first movement Bob has had in his hand, other than the electrically stimulated movement from the Bioness machine.

I am amazed and feeling quite blessed this morning and full of hope that his right hand/arm will recover!


Jenn said...

This is MARVELOUS!!!! : )

Nikki said...

That is sooo cool! Good job Uncle Bob!