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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Bob's New Bathroom

The wainscot and tub skirt were made from old "hurricane shutters" found in the attic.

Click on photos to enlarge.

Ceiling Track System

"Independent Lifter" Body Support

Test Run - Strapping in...

And Lift Off!
Today, we will try this thing out for real!  Oh boy... stay tuned...


Barb Polan said...

Wonderful! I haven't had a bath - only showers - in 5 years. Lucky Bob!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful system for Bob and your back. Hope you're getting settled in well with declining problems and headaches with construction.

Hugs & prayers,

Jenn said...

Things are looking Fla-ming-tastic!!!! How'd Bob do in the lift? Is that cool!!!
How are Boomer and the kitties faring up in all the commotion?

Rebecca Dutton said...

A warm bath is a luxury I did not appreciate until I had a stroke. Let us know how this new system works for both you and Bob.

Wilfred Andrews said...

That must’ve been so convenient for the both of you, but mostly for him. I hope that it worked out without a hitch, and that he is able to enjoy those wonderful hot baths whenever he pleases. Thanks for sharing this post with us. Take care!

Wilfred Andrews @ LB Plumbing & Heating

Unknown said...

It’s fascinating that this new bathroom is designed in such a way that it could be very convenient for Bob to take a bath. The track system that Bob uses to be transported into the bathtub is very cool! The look of the bathroom is quite gorgeous too; it’s simple yet very elegant. Thank you for sharing a glimpse inside Bob’s bathroom!

Evon Brow @ Athens Plumbing