Years ago, and I mean years ago, Chris gave me a Christmas Cactus and also bought one for herself.
Her's died, shortly afterward, but mine kept on going.
She'd often comment on it, (i.e. "That thing is still alive?") and it bloomed every single year between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Until Bob died. Then Chris died. And it hasn't bloomed since, until -- wow, this week!
Two blooms, just two, but that's good enough for me. One for Chris and one for Bob.
Sorry, this blog has been so quiet, believe me I have a lot stories to tell and have been meaning to blog, but my book seems to be taking up most all of my free time....
The other day, I went to lunch with a widow friend, and we happened to have lunch next door to an antique mall where Bob & I used to have a booth, and I mentioned that to my friend, and wistfully said, "I still miss him."
And she said, "Wouldn't Bob want you to be happy?"
Which caught me off-guard, I mean, I didn't say I was unhappy. I wasn't crying or sobbing, just said that I "miss him." And you know, I'm writing now, and happier than I've been in a long time, because writing makes me happy, it's been my lifelong dream to be a full-time writer, and especially "happy" on a good day when the writing just seems to flow.
What is this "happy" I'm supposed to be? Jumping for joy? Dancing the night away? Laughing like a maniac? Drinking wine in bars? Dating? I don't get it, I really don't know....
I tell you, this blooming cactus makes me very happy. Two blooms, just two, but that's all I need.
This is the first blog entry where you sound positive
beautifully said!
Writing, writing, writing! I love that you're back to writing and are enjoying it. BTW, I have a Christmas cactus an old friend gave me 36 years ago, and it has reliably bloomed most years, until the past couple of years.
Great! Late blooming for Christmas cactus :o)
Jo, yes, late bloom for a Christmas cactus -- it never ever bloomed this late in the year. I've had it, I think about 15 years.
Barb this plant bloomed every single year, like clockwork, between Thanksgiving and Christmas until 2015 when Bob died, and Chris died and then nothing --- still green, so didn't throw it away, as it was a gift from Chris, but no blooms for 4 years.... until now, weird....the timing of it all --- but it does make me "happy" and Chris' birthday is in March.....
This year our plumeria bloomed two months late as well. I was sad, and then surprised, and then happy. We can learn a lot from nature.
Thank you for sharing your ray of sunshine. It appears that the writing is indeed what you need.
You said, "...this blooming cactus makes me very happy". What makes you happy is whatever makes you happy. You'll always miss Bob, and you wouldn't want it any other way, would you? But you can still be happy, at least when your Christmas cactus blooms, and when you remember the good times you had with Bob.
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