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Thursday, July 15, 2021

I know...

I let everyone hanging. Elsa came through as a CAT 1, fortunately no big damage here, except for scaring me shitless and the time of taking things (patio porch furniture/decor etc) in then out again, sandbagging, etc. Elsa did blow out my HVAC unit, which thankfully is still under warranty and fixed within a couple of days. But waiting for repairmen... such a pain

Then a termite swarm in my bathroom, grrr... but termite company came and re-treated the house, spent a lot of time, scoping out the house, looking behind doors, closets, moving furniture, so that I could tell the termite guy where there was evidence of termites, wings and such... so got that done.

Funny, aside about Ripley, who was (as always) snoozing in my office closet. Termite guy went to look inside the closet and I warned him there was probably a cat in there. And I hear the termite guy, "Oh! There you are! What a pretty kitty! You are a sweetheart! What a sweetie.." Whence Ripley shot out of the closet like a banshee, I do believe paws never touched the ground. ha! So much for the sweetheart kitty. I tell you, Rip was traumatized, didn't come out of hiding until that night when he poked his head out of the bedroom, looking both ways down the hall, then ran to "mom" and jumped on my lap.


Another day wasted arguing with a medical billing department regarding my hand surgery. I'd had a nerve conduction test which I was told, up front that the insurance wouldn't pay for, so I self-payed $370.00 and thought that was that until I get a bill for $1900+ for same nerve conduction test and no credit for my $370. Anyway all that straightened out now, but took hours to straighten out.  (At least I hope it's straightened out!))

Then, got a message from a man in Australia who had read my blog and was wondering if I'd like to contribute my thoughts, experiences etc. to "MindMasters" classes on "Mindful Communication" for caregivers. Really not sure about this, but he sent me "modules" i.e. videos to review and I haven't even got through them all. I am flattered, but not sure how I could contribute. Still have to watch the rest.

Plus some issues I had to take care of with my banker as my sis died, needed to update now I need to update my own will, haven't even gotten that far.... been busy

So just thought I'd post an update, I will be back to finish "Signs Part 2" meanwhile my crepe myrtle tree has been blooming gangbusters! First time since Bob died......

It does make me smile. 


Jenn said...

Awww, lil' Rippy-dips! *smooch*
Hooray! Love a blooming crepe myrtle! They're so gorgeous!
So glad Elsa (eeek) didn't cause you too much damage.
D, what's the website for MindMasters? Interesting. Would you be compensated monetarily? You know me, I gotta ask! ;)

Diane said...

Website is Not sure about $, not sure if it's for me. Still haven't gotten through the videos!