He couldn't do this last week! |
These past couple of weeks, we've been on our own---and it's actually kind of nice to have the house back to ourselves. No more strangers prancing through from the home health care agency! Except that now, I am "the therapists" and I've been doing my best to run Bob through his range-of-motion exercises every day.
Yesterday, he amazed me by bending that right knee without any help! I just had to get the camera out and ask him to do it again, so I could share my excitement with all of you!
This is a big improvement--previously, I had to push his knee up to bend it.
The paperwork is finally completed for Bayfront and next week, he has an evaluation for Outpatient Rehab. I pray that they can get him up and walking soon!
I hope things work out for you and that you get the help you need- it has to be a lot to manage for one person!
Hey Diane!
Your dad forwarded me your blog site. My mom was interested in keeping up to date with you and Bob, she doesn't have a computer so I am going to print out some of your posts so she can read them, I know she will enjoy that.
It looks like you have made a great blog site.
How exciting to hear that Bob was able to bend his knee on his own!
Progress is wonderful :)
You both have been through so much. Keep hanging in there!
You both are in our thoughts and prayers :)
Sending a hug!
Your cousin- Tami
Such GREAT news! It sure makes my day brighter!!!!!! YEAH BOB!!!!
(Erik's in Japan - Nagoya, and is okay. No worries about tsunami and earthquake was only 3.0 near him. My concern is the nuke plant in Fukushima).
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