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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Things I'll Miss...

Ten days until moving day!!! Which is also Valentine's Day. And I am in the middle of packing and rushing around getting things together for the new house. I tell you, it's bittersweet to leave this home of 11 years and even to leave the neighborhood with its quirks and quaintness.  I thought I'd post a few of things I will certainly miss after we move, starting with this one.

The Corner Convenience Store 

For its convenience, nice cashiers, but NOT its prices.


J.L. Murphey said...

The countdown begins. Moving is always a struggle between memories and the excitement of a new house.

I'm feeling the same way. I'll be moving after my husband dies. To date we've been in this home for 17 years as of yesterday. I look around at belongings to keep or sell. All the little things that mean nothing to someone else. It almost makes me melancholy.

Cherish the memories and embrace to adventure of having renewed freedom for you and Bob.

normae said...

Oh I know I have beeen preparing for a move in 2016, because the specialist has told my son tog et a new start, so when he gets his insurance money he wants to buy a house of his own in a nice town about an hour away. he cant live completly on his own so we will move with him, we canthen afford to retire when we sell our home. That is the hard part, our house was ourchased with tho thought it was perfect for retirement after children, the river the park the walking trails , we have lived here for nearly 30 rs. This is what we must do as well.
Enjoy your new home and make it warm and happy