And thank god, it didn't land near us -- the devastation is terrible north of here. We just had some street flooding, some downed trees, beach erosion and beach town flooding, flooding in flood zones, but OK here at the Pink House where I made sure we were not in a flood zone when we bought the house..
Though was a stressful and uneasy time -- especially the "squalls" -- bands of quick thunderstorms, that kept coming and coming. I took Kona out for walk between squalls, hoping to "stay dry" long enough to poop and pee -- and low and behold, coming back home, a loose German Shepherd.
And not a nice dog. I know this dog. Belongs to a neighbor. The kind of dog that slams into the fence when you walk by their house.. Psycho shepard. anyway...
There it is -- outside -- in the alley. Staring at us.
And I'm like, oh shit. So I quickly put Kona in a "sit/stay" cause I know the last thing you want to do is run, cause that dog will give chase. And I don't want Kona, pulling or reacting, so I say "Sit/Stay!" and she's a good dog, sits at my leg as I'm sizing up the situation --- this big Shepard staring us down (where are the owners?, etc.) and suddenly, that dog came at us like a bullet --
charging --- barking --- growling -- full speed
we are about 20 feet away
and I yell "NOOOOOO!!" not scream, as in terrified, but using what my dog trainer called "Sargent's Voice" and I call it "My Dog Mom Voice", so strong authority "NOOOO!"
And I tell you, that dog skidded to a stop, with a look of shock on it's face, skidded on it's front forearms (forelegs?) to a stop about 6 inches from us, still growling and snapping but stopped and Kona, bless her soul, just sat there in her "sit/stay".
Good training on my part? or perhaps Kona was scared shitless -- I don't know, but next I know the owners of the Shepard are running out and yelling at the dog, and the dog takes off across the street.
Then a bunch of apologies from the owners, and they did ask if we were "OK" and I did check Kona over no bites or scratches -- everything happened so fast, but Kona Ok but damn, near well gave me a heart attack.
So survived both the storm and the neighbor's dog...
Nothing beats a command voice. Alo your knee into the chest of the charging dog works well too. Well done Kona. People don't realize that dogs are like children. You can yell at them all day long and they will ignore you and continue, but use a certain tone and they stop. But eye contact is the first step.
Jo, you bet I looked that Shepard straight in the eye when I yelled "NOOO!" And Kona, well she does push it sometimes, but she also knows when mom means "business".
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