Who would think a 5 year death anniversary would be tougher than the others before?... I guess because of the pandemic thing, prior years I would go out to lunch with a friend or do something to honor or just get my mind off the day ... and jeepers doesn't seem like five years, seems like forever and then seems like yesterday... Tried explaining my feelings to people, but few understand. My shrink thinks I should write letters to the nurses to tell them how they impacted Bob and me, and I said, oh, you mean write a letter than burn it or throw it away, and she said "no, send it certified mail, let them know what they did to you."
I tell you, I am in no way going to do that..... plus don't know where those nurses are.... she (my doc) said look up property records, but really, is that a good idea?
Anyway, spent the day, watching movies, walked the dog, raining all day, just like when he died, it rained and rained for weeks like the whole world was weeping with me.....and it is still raining... But hung up a wind chime in Bob's honor. He loved wind chimes, as I do, this is Bob's and my new wind chime, in his honor,...