OK, I know one shouldn't yell "FIRE" in a crowded theater, but no harm on an uncrowded blog....
I don't know what I did to piss off the Fire Demons or the Gods of Electrical Appliances, but I have had a couple of interesting days...
Yesterday, while cleaning in the bedroom, I was attacking some dog/cat hair in the corner near the electrical outlet where two lamps are plugged in. The hair was wound around one of the cords and in the process of removing it BANG! And a blast of fire! and I'm knocked to the ground. Thankfully not electrocuted, but my hand burnt and blistering. I quickly unplugged the lamp and went to tend to my hand, which began bleeding as the blisters broke open... Not a good day.
Lamp Cord |
Then this morning while I was listening to a radio program about the "Curse of Lizzie Borden" (interesting!) and waiting for my coffee to brew, I saw a sudden flash of light in the kitchen and smelled smoke.
So I ran into the kitchen to see the coffee maker was on fire! I mean, flames were licking the back of the coffee maker and bursting in the air toward the ceiling. I quickly unplugged the thing and threw a towel over it which smothered the fire but the room was full of smoke.
The back of the coffee maker was completely melted...
Spent a few hours airing out the house. Still smells.
Tried to fix the cord and ended up blowing a fuse... I give up!
Just another day at The Pink House.
PS: Good news, my father should be coming home from the hospital today. Thanks everyone for your kind words and prayers!Melted Coffee Maker |
WHAT!!!! Glad the didn't burn down and you weren't hurt worse. Those darn antiques!
Relieved your dad is feeling better and out of the hospital!
Coffee maker was one month old….
Also, I do believe that lamp was rewired about 20 years ago with a reproduction plug and cord... At least it looks like a reproduction cord etc. Bob did a lot of that in his day. I think what happened was the cord was kinked and I pulled on it while cleaning and it broke....
Do you have smoke alarms in your home? If not maybe you could take this a sign ,that you should invest in some.
Glad you are relatively ok and glad you caught the coffee maker fire in time.
There is a smoke detector in the hallway, but it didn't go off... hmmm...
Good Lord Almighty!
Gerry recommends an electrician to come in and evaluate the outlets. He urges you to replace both outlets from those incidents. Have a pro do it.
The lamp cord looks like it's partially old cloth wire spliced together with new? Yikes.
Thank God you're all right! And that your Dad is home. Huge Hugs!
Have you contacted the coffeemaker company to let them know it caught on fire? Glad you are OK and the fire didn't spread. Whew! Sounds like a good idea to have the outlets checked. Maybe check around for other old looking cords and don't plug them in...
Good luck,
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