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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

First Party Since Pandemic

As my therapist says, everyone is feeling a bit "socially awkward" since we've been in isolation for so long, but I tell you, I had a full blown panic attack when I received an formal invitation to a friend's 70th birthday party "cocktail attire recommended".

My first inclination was to bow out politely. The party was indoors and didn't begin until 7:00 p.m. on a Saturday night. CoVid concerns, driving in the dark, and for godsake -- cocktail attire! Eeeek!

This birthday was for one of my widow friends turning 70. So a mile stone birthday for her. I knew also that she had been down in the dumps about it and this was her way of coping, by throwing a party.

I was going to decline, but then one of the other widows in our group contacted me, offered to drive, said we should go for the birthday gal's sake, show our support, wear masks, leave early! So that was the plan.

OMG, I must have rummaged through my closets dozens of times, trying on a variety of things, some too tight, some too big, some not right... I am not exactly what you would call the "cocktail attire" type. After changing countless times, settled on a black skirt, black top, black lace scarf and elbow length black beaded gloves...  Oh and black mask, shoes and purse. (The gloves and purse rummaged out from my vintage collection.)

Then comes the "socially awkward" part. What to talk about, wearing a mask, with people you don't know.... But my fellow widow friend was there and she didn't know many people either. So we were kind of an army of two... still --

It was stressful and sad: to my shock, the boyfriend of birthday gal came dressed wearing a black Fedora hat and suspenders and since I last saw him had lost weight and grown a mustache! I couldn't help thinking of Bob with his mustache and penchant for Fedora hats and suspenders... I nearly cried when they danced. It should've been us (Bob and me)...  had to leave the room.

And the musician she hired was playing a Washburn guitar, exactly like Bob's...

Too many memories. Too many lovey-dovey couples there. 

But I somehow survived the night.

Looking forward to a quiet Thanksgiving, with the dog, the cat eating frozen pizza on the couch. 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear the party ended up making you feel sad. I was hoping that after your friend persuaded you to go to the party, that you'd have a fun time. Maybe next time.

I can relate to your being happy when the workmen were done; I am never relaxed when workmen are here and feel relieved when they're done.

I'm curious about that one sign visible in your previous photo -- it looks like it says positively no smoking, but maybe since you smoke it says positively smoking?

Anyway, I hope you have a peaceful Thanksgiving.

Lynne in CT

Diane said...

It says Positively No Smoking: Bob bought it one of the many times he quit smoking... He loved vintage signs and we especially looked for those with a red/yellow/black color to match our kitchen.

Jenn said...

Took a lot of courage - which you have (even if it doesn't feel like it). Cheers to you a million times over. I know how difficult it was for you.

Barb Polan said...

Parties are tough—everyone so delighted to be there and you having your heart broken, again and again. That's proof that you are brave, able to do something you fear. I hope Thanksgiving turned out to be as you wished. And I hope you manage to remain serene during the holidays. Hugs.