Bloodwork came back indicating Ripley has hyperthyroidism... Whoa, didn't know cats even got that. But that makes him too unstable to undergo surgery to remove that lump on his head. So now I have to give him medication (pills), twice daily, for 4 weeks and then they will re-check to see if the medication is working. (This is going to be a PAIN IN THE ASS! Giving him pills.. grr)
Doctor said that hyperthyroidism is fatal in older cats (Ripley is 12+) if not treated. Medication should work. Should. Work. (!) And if it does, he will have to be on it for the rest of his life.... oy
He may also have a UTI, so I have to get a urine sample... Another Pain in the you-know-what
And he's allergic to something as he has a rash on his crotch...
Plus a broken tooth which is infected.... which should come out.
Oh boy. Was not prepared for all this. The cat doctor did stick a needle into that lump and out came black goo.... She doesn't think it's cancerous, but should be removed as it will probably grow back.
Damn.... No good news here on the Ripley front.
Except everyone did think he was a "handsome fellow"! And they said what I thought, that Ripley is a "Ragdoll" cat (a rare breed). Love him, all 18 pounds of him!
So it will be a trying few weeks here.... And I am an extremely stressed out cat mom.
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