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Monday, June 27, 2022

Home & Resting

Kona had her follow-up today. Her wounds are healing well, but she has another ear infection. I think probably caused by the dampness inside that "Elizabethan Collar" cone she had to wear for a week. And what a week it's been. Cone-head Kona knocking into chairs, tables, things off shelves, nothing was safe, even me! Every time I turned around, seemed I literally had a cone in my ass. Ouch.

She seems terribly tired from the whole ordeal.

This "new" vet at the emergency clinic says Kona has a "heart murmur" which is very concerning... I will admit that this scares me.

I ordered and put up a "trail cam" camera in the backyard this afternoon aimed at the spot where Kona was attacked. Hope I installed it right! Will find out tomorrow if it works....

As I still don't know what the heck attacked her... and I've been afraid to let her outside on her own. So I'm out there at night with a flashlight while she pees. Also if it's still dark in morning, following her with a flashlight. Honestly, it's nerve wracking... don't know what I'd do if confronted with some animal -- 

Tomorrow Ripley has his follow-up with his doctor. Worried about that too. Today he threw up... meds or disease?

I am drowning in vet bills.... worried and just plain exhausted...

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