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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Right Now

Ripley is undergoing surgery in my backyard.....

My shrink told me it was "abnormal" to worry so much about a cat. "Your cat's going to die someday, you know." she said. And that my "stress reaction" was "trauma based" and I should see a trauma specialist....

Don't know what to think about that.... I almost want to quit that shrink, but she prescribes my Xanax!

My grief counsellor (who has two cats) says I am very normal in my feelings... especially it all happening so close to Bob's death anniversary. She's says, it's normal to be stressed about his upcoming surgery and his hyperthyroidism diagnosis. That she would be too.

It's going to be a long day...  


Anonymous said...

Pets are family. It would be abnormal not to worry. Thinking of you today.

Hillary said...

Get rid of the shrink! and find another one. She obviously does not think of 'pets' as family! How did the surgery go? Prayers! xoxo Hillary