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Friday, August 30, 2019

Boarding Up

Tomorrow the "guys" are going to board my house up for Hurricane Dorian... Honestly, think it's too early as the forecast track is all over the place, and the latest at 5:00 p.m. takes it away from us -- we may not even get anything from it...

Oh, if Bob were alive and well, we'd wait a few days... see where the track is heading, but I can't board up on my own and have rely on others...

So Ed (the guy in charge) is coming over with his men to board me up at 8:00 a.m.  He says he's got "other people" plus his own house, etc., so wants to get mine done. He says "better safe than sorry."

So I spent several hours today, in the heat, carrying porch furniture, patio furniture etc. into the garage,  some of it in the house, bringing in potted plants, plant stands, decorative items (heck! I've got too much outside, including two pairs of pink flamingos) And I am exhausted. And still haven't taken wind chimes down.

I'll either look stupid, if the hurricane goes the other way --- or smart if it hits us.

Either way, not looking forward to spending the next 3-4 days in the dark, with the house boarded up. And only one door (back door) to get in and out of here.  I've done that before -- claustrophobic.

Do have my bottled water, car gassed up, supplies, batteries, cat/dog food, peanut butter and bread for me, and of course junk food and booze for stress  --

Waiting for the storm, if it is indeed coming, here at The Pink House.


Jenn said...

I'm obsessively checking the weather apps and websites. A co-worker if mine has a place in St. Augustine, all "battened down" and is hoping to hop a flight back to the mid-west (main residence until her husband retires). Keep in touch with your friends down there! And don't concern yourself with looking silly. Ed is right, better safe than sorry. How does Kona and Ripley react to storm?

Diane said...

Oh Ripley will be in the closet. Kona velcroed to me....

Hillary said... is not coming....but you were prepared and don't look!!! but now the question you take them down or leave them up!!
i would leave the majority up maybe take down just a few so you have light......less work for when the next storm hits!!! at least there will be some normalcy around here and be able to buy water again.....batteries, flashlights and other canned goods.......

Cockeyed Jo said...

Just keep those supplies handy until after Christmas. As far as boarding up the house goes, check into hurricane shutters. You can close and open them with only a couple of screws after they are installed.

Diane said...

Yeah, Jo, I did look into the hurricane shutters (the the roll downs, and fabric ones, bahama style etc.) when we bought house and all very expensive, esp. with 18 windows and four doors..... Not quite that rich.